Monthly BLOG

Hi, and welcome to our September Blog!

It's on a sad note that we start our September Blog by enforcing the importance of safety within our library and the correct usage of our equipment:


It has been brought to our attention that recently some members of our libraries are not taking seriously the importance of treating our equipment respectively.

Please remember when using any equipment in our library, that the manual must be read first, that all safety precautions must be abide to and that all equipment must be set up and put away in a safe and orderly manner. 

This does not mean that equipment are balanced on top of library books, or that extension cords are left loosely in walk ways and not stuck down securely with strong tape as was recently the case this week in which one patron tripped on the cord and caused the overhead projector to fall to the ground.  Luckily the patron and equipment were unharmed, however this incident could have been much worse and left the library with having to replace the equipment and a possible case of neglect had the patron been seriously hurt. 

Please remember that safety comes first here at Mountain Springs Library, and in all cases our staff are more than happy to go over the equipment, dos and don't and the manual as many times as is required so that everyone feels happy and safe when using our equipment for the first or tenth time. 

Remember if there is anything that you don't understand when my staff is showing you how to use or do a safety check on our equipment, please ask, we are only too happy to help. 


On a Happier note, wow what a month this is shaping up to be, we have an exciting calendar of events coming your way, starting with:

8th September @ 7pm. - Author Mathew Reilly promoting his new book Seven Wonders
Like refreshments are provided with purchase and book signing at 8pm.

11th September @ 10am - Welcome to our Library morning tea to welcome all new and old library borrowers.  Please come down and say Hi.

18th September @ 4pm - The Whatever Club for 13 - 17 year old.  This club meets on the 18th of each month in the Funky Room to discuss any issues close to your heart, homework, or to just hang out and meet new friends.

Every Thursday @ 10.30am in the Meg Fox Room - Story time for 3 - 5 year old.  This session runs for an hour with a sing along and craft activity.

Every Friday @ 9am in the Wiggle Room- Tiny Tots Rhyme Time for 0 - 2 year old.  Half hour session of singing and actions for babies and mums.

Every Monday @ 9.30am  in the Wiggle Room - Mums and Bubs Club - get together to socialise, meet new people over a coffee or two.

Third Thursday of the Month (20th Sept) @ 6.30pm - Springs Book lovers Book Club monthly meeting.  Book this month is Mathew Reilly's Ice Station. Not a member, don't worry, see one of our staff to join.

24th September @ 10am - How to Trace your family history session with Ian Wells.  Come down and hear Ian explain the basics of how to get started.  Ian will then be available for appointments at 10am and 12pm every Monday until the end of the year.

26th September @ 3pm - Primary Panthers Club for 7 to 12 year old.  This club is a homework club for primary kids followed by a chapter reading of the book of the month.

Any Senior Members out there wanting to start a craft club  We'd love to hear from you.  If there is enough interest we will start a club up in November and have craft presenters each month to show you something different.  Please call us to register your interest.

We are also taking booking for a movie night, at this stage on Friday night at 7pm with popcorn and drink included.  The cost is $5.00 per person with the latest movie release and discussion following.  Interested? Please call us to secure your place.


Christine is back from her wonderful trip to Egypt, she has brought in some photos to share which are currently on display in the Funky Room.

Congrats to Justine and Darren on the birth of their twins Jasmine and Jenny born on the 11th September at 2am.  Mother and babies are doing fine.  Dad is a little overwhelmed but happy as punch! Photos to follow.

I will be taking leave all November returning to work on the 1st December.  Tracey will be acting in my position.

We have recently installed a staff photo board at the entrance of our library, not sure who we are, check out our new board and then come and say hi.  

That' s it for this month, check this space next month as we have so much more exciting events to tell you about.

Happy Reading
Cindy and Staff x

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